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2004-05-15 - 11:54 a.m.

It's been gorgeous here the last few days, but today is kinda muggy and the black flies have come out. We are supposed to have a cold front come through the area, and tonight, we are expecting temps back down into the 40s with a crisp bright upper-60-degree day tomorrow!!

A brief note to thank Kerstin for brilliantly putting together a New England blog ring. I had been trying to get through the knitting ring every so often, but with over 400 blogs on it now, it was tough to do! So, THANKS KERSTIN! I've already run into several blogs I hadn't read before, and it's nice to know they are right here in our own backyard, so to speak.

Also, thanks to Norma for dropping by and checking out the blog (Hi Norma!); I'm hopeful we can meet in person at some point!

With the advent of some warm weather, I decided to embark on a (hopefully) quick summer knit. I had picked up some Second Time Cotton from K1C2 last time I went through NH at Patternworks, and cast on for a summerweight cotton cardigan. I've decided on seed stitch borders and am working on the back - just simple stockinette, but it's working up quickly.

I think the actual color (colorway "Atlantis" for those who care about such things) is grayer, and there are more white flecks peeking through the colors than the photo shows. It has a somewhat stiff feeling in the skein and when wound into a ball, but it knits up quite soft and drapey on #8 needles.

DH made a quick trip in to town this morning and picked up round 1 of the necessary lumber for the "bunny barn" and he's getting started on that today. We've decided to put a big double door on it and put it on skids, so we can move it as needed in the future. Since we also decided to add some chickens to the farm (Barred Rock chicks due to arrive sometime around June 6), we are going to put on an area where they can be sheltered in the barn separate from the bunnies, with an outdoor wire-fenced enclosure for the winter months. I just finished painting the moveable chicken tractor for their warm-weather home, and we just need to tack the hardware cloth on the outside and attach the latch for the door.

All for now.

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